Hi all ..
I have a bad case of .. I don't know what else to do. I am lost, I have no map, I have no path ..
They began with daily (hourly) reminders through various social website, electronic messages, sweet & savory nibbles, short moments of staring, notes with codes & words understood by no-one else, photos .. memories, tingles still from the feelings before, doubtless .. A destination. A completeness. An answer to question never found before.
The meaning.
The reason.
Now ..
1ne message if we are lucky .. too many people nearby to prevent feeling 'justified' .. I can find no reason why not. I remember how the reason used to be, now I can't understand the 'why' when 'because' was the only right answer.
I don't understand! Why would so much be taken away, when I have done what I have been told to do .. ? Maybe it is what was desired .. Maybe the reason is not given to me to comprehend .. Maybe there is more choice than i have been honestly shown ..
Social websites fill with their own meaning, and their own addition .. but not mine. The same choice, that was +not+ mine, that I was aware of last time, that I chose to believe it was a wrong observation, that I .. accepted it.
Out of complete unexpectedness .. it hurts.