There is something consistent with the oppressed, the restricted, the 'locked into violence', the minority, the Important Few (and YOU are One of them) .. around the world have gone through these problems over, and over, and over again.
Your Pain turns into Rage, your Rage turns into Roars, and your Roars turn into .. your Revolution.
You can end up loosing everything that is yours; everything you have worked for, everything you have built, everything you have earnt .. and you can end up with Nothing.
I am the same, I have Nothing .. I have been building, making, working for the One Important part of my life. Now, I am already starting to loose that Important One. But .. even if I have Nothing else, the one thing I DO know, when you have Nothing ..
You have Nothing to loose!
you are still loosing it .. you should give up because she really doesn't want you ..