How Do You Know When Its Over?
I have battled the same questions you have for nearly 2 years now. We had been strong together for a long time and I am so broken hearted. I have come to learn that sometimes love gets in the way of making rational, real choices for our lives. I am getting a really hard time, and I felt (almost known) that its been coming for a year. I should moved on but .. love stops me. I have been looking for her for much more than 10 years, and I already know that I will never find love again .. if I give up on her. I have never had feelings for anyone else like I do for her. True love, to me, is someone you can absolutely not live without, and I don't mean just for a month or a year, or whatever, but someone that you can never let go. Love is a tricky thing and it is impossible to understand. I do know that if the person I am with doesn't loves me as much as I love them, and I have put much more into the relationship then they do .. then that tells me it is not true love.
True love is equal in all things. I believe in the saying "if you love someone set them free, if they come back then it's meant to be". Sometimes to get the answers we want, we must take the hardest way and that means leaving everything behind. I don't know if what I have said makes sense but .. I will play it by ear and try not to force anything, give it time and be .. more patient than anyone could know, and that is usually all I can do.
I really don't know what is wrong, or what is right. I really don't know what is black, or what is white. I really don't know if that that's a kiss, or that's a bite. I really don't know if I've already lost .. the fight.
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