Thursday 13 December 2012

At a lose

I am at a lose .. for what I want to say, or how I might say it .. or even if I should speak.

I have given so much to just one lady, one Angel, this last 2wo years .. but now .. I think it is clear to say that I was never good enough for her.

I could never make her happy. We have been to many place, and done many things .. I have given her everything I could, and always gave more than what she wanted. I have tried to be the best man she could find, I have never cheated, or argued about stupid things, I have taken care of her in every way I can ..

Now .. she has already 'found' 2wo other men to be with .. I don't know if there are others. Without reason, because she never tells me the truth .. without reason she has just moved away from me. Just moved away .. and now, I am no-one to her.

I am no-one.

khoi kon diao dta lort bpai
I will be alone forever.

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