Saturday 1 December 2012

A single word

I noticed a word I used in my last post .. 'fell'.
Gravity has a huge impact on anything we do day to day and, as such, it is a word we commonly use to imply a distance or depth.
I had a look around the inter-web today and kept looking over various pages on someone many of you will have heard of ..
As an archangel, his use of the 'fell' has nothing to do with the effect of gravity. When he 'fell' from Heaven to Earth, the first thing he started to become aware of is ..
The stories and history I have been reading have been giving me (or lending me) who it is that I may have been talking too. I thought I was talking to the Big man himself but, it may be that I was chatting with one of His better angels. I was trying to find out what Gabriel was falling ..
It was a war, between Good & Evil, and the angels are the only front-line that can be used. With so few .. all of seven for each side .. I was finding it difficult to understand just why there was such a war. It is easy to see the problems with the Good & Evil thing, so why are there only seven angels to fight for ..

Because .. we are worth it.

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